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The Cultivation of the Creative Spirit through Film

Purchase an e-book copy of Courtney’s 2020 book “The Cultivation of the Creative Spirit through Film” HERE

Used as part of the curriculum to Courtney’s online film course through the Philosophical Research Society. 113 pages. Just $0.99!

COMING SOON: Filming the Formless - Stories of creative and spiritual growth from a once down and out Filmmaker

Since selling out our limited first printing run, a second soft cover pressing of Courtney’s first book “Filming the Formless” will be made available again soon. Stay tuned for updates.

“Nothing quite gives you the same self-worth and feeling of accomplishing as following your dreams and making it happen through your own efforts. Courtney Sell has discovered that truth, followed the path less traveled and lived to tell the tale.” - Toody Cole (Dead Moon, Pierced Arrows)